A Little Information About Savannah Cats


Quick Facts

Savannah cats are interesting creatures, as many other pets. If you like cats but want a little adventure, then this breed may be what you’re looking for. These are some quick facts about its appearance to help you get to know them better.


You may notice savannah cats have a long body with long legs. However, they are about the same size as any other large domestic cat.


The Savannah has dark, bold, solid spots that can be round, oval, or elongated. It has parallel strips covering its back and the spotting pattern follow these stripes from shoulders to the rest of its body. Legs, face, and feet are covered by smaller spots.


A Savannah can be black/brown spotted and black/silver spotted tabby, or black smoke. Black Savannahs are solid black but have faint “ghost spots” that can be seen beneath the black color.

Savannah cats can be exactly the pet you are looking for. The Urban Safari Cattery can help you find the cat you want.

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